Monday, July 30, 2007

Wet Monday

It was raining so much this morning, it must have been way too cold for my doggie. See, she'd been lying down the whole night, on the cold floor. Then this morning, as she got up to walk, she yelped in pain. Seems like old Jackie girl has arthritis. Poor girl. After slowly moving about some more, finally she felt better...but the sad look on her face says it all. She was in pain.. Now almost 9, she is advancing in age. She still has the spirit of a puppy though, cos we all treat her like one. Must get BH to manja her more tonight...she just loves him. Heh.

After finishing HP7. finally decided to get two books on my wish list...the Oral surgery one and the Endodontic one. Am now 400 bucks poorer..but heck..I love my books! Am now trying to figure out how the heck to cross out my wish list.. you know, with----- over the text? Someone please enlighten me?


Anonymous said...

are you talking about codes? if yes, try < strike >.....< /strike >
* eliminate the spacebar when you wanna do it later...

but if that's not what you meant, sorry... not sure. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks anon...but I couldn't do it on my wish list table..oh well. Wish list truncated..hehe