Friday, July 27, 2007

I'm a Potterhead, yes I am!

For the past 5 days, I was busy reading a children's book. Ok, so I admit it, I'm still a kid. Eh, it was fun though and once I started, I could not stop. Just ask BH how many times I ignored him, cos I was busy reading? Well, now that I've finished it, I dunno what to do..maybe it's time to get back to the gym,huh?

After a few weeks of not using my arms much, plus I think a few months of not doing upper body exercises, my arms have gone well, flabby. I have chicken know, that piece around the triceps that keeps waving goodbye although you've stopped waving at the wrists? Yea, chicken wings, they flap about so. My BACK, sigh...I used to have muscles like Hillary Swank in her Million Dollar Baby time..I kid you not, ask BH. Gone...Which reminds me, I miss punching a bag. Don't get me wrong, I don't miss my PT, I just miss hitting him..while he was holding the bags lar..heh.

These days I refer to my lean times as BBH (BEFORE BH) and now as ABH (AFTER BH). What love does, eh? I am much happier, yes, that's true, very true...but I figure I better do something. I mean sooner or later I'm gonna get pregnant and get as huge as a whale, and after that, there may be no turning might be a downward slide all the way. I might as well get as toned as I can before that happens right? Plus I miss my toned arms, my tones lats and back...

So, am sticking to the quota..time to buckle down. Yesterday I actually managed to get some weights done. And am now feeling the muscles ache. Feels good. But heck, can't afford a PT these days and it's gonna be a long road...If only there were some spell I could cast.. reparo figuro slimmero tonor or something..

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