I spent most of my childhood dreaming and fantasizing about what it would be like to live anywhere but where I lived. I wished we would move, anywhere. To an apartment, a bigger house, even a shophouse just to experience the difference. I remember enjoying trips to visit my cousin when she was working in Tanjung Karang. I looked forward to those trips for 2 reasons, she lived in a shophouse( which to me ranked number 2 on the best place to live list) and the great seafood lunch that always was a part of the trip.
Ever since I got married, I have moved 4 times and now is move number 5. I moved from my parents home, to my in-laws home. From there to our own cosy lovely home. (Lots of wonderful memories here). Then came the BIG move, to Australia, and to BH's cousin's house. This was hard. Moving from our own 2 room apartment to a tiny room was very difficult for me. Needless to say, I was miserable and regretting the decision.
Quickly came the move out of the room to a slightly bigger place, where we are now. Its a tiny 2 bed ONE bath apartment on the 2nd floor. The move was hard work, moving stuff up the stairs and still comparing it to our own home. It fell way short. One year here passed quickly. We built new and mostly good memories here. Both sets of parents visited, it was nice to have them around, but sharing ONE bathroom was a logistic and personal space nightmare. This is also where Wong was err..made...hehe...Thankfully neither BH or I are like the Beckams, we wont be having any kid named Princes, Port,Melbourne, Victor/Victoria or 15.
Any now, we are moving. I'm tired of moving. It's stressful for me. This time though BH is in full charge of the move...and we are moving out of the city. To a bigger place we will go. 3 rooms, 2 baths, a study, living, kitchen, dining, garage, yard and best of all a huge park right off our doorstep. I will miss the convenience of public transport and the closeness of the city but I hope we build more happy memories here...