Monday, December 18, 2006

The acrid smell of putrefaction

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Putrefaction is the decomposition of animal proteins, especially by anaerobic microorganisms. Decomposition is a more general process. Putrefaction usually results in amines such as putrescine and cadaverine, which have a putrid odor. Material that is subject to putrefaction is called putrescible.

Normally I have a lot of patience..or so I've been told. But of late, I find my patience wearing thin, my voice going up a few decibels at my assistants and a moody face persist over my own normally happy one. My fuse is definitely shorter these days...and really, the smell of putrefaction is indeed getting to me. I cannot understand how or why anyone would let their teeth end up in such a state...or maybe I'm just sick of all these darn root canals. No a very fun experience for the dentist...the patient , normally pain free after anesthesia, doesn't suffer as much. Its us, the dental surgeons, straining our eyes to locate those minuscule canals, and trying our darndest to disinfect the damn thing. Oh, and have I forgotten to mention the smell? We always know the tooth is truly dead and six feet under when the moment we reach the pulp chamber, our nostrils are greeted by that horrid smell. The acrid smell of putrefaction.

What else can I say? I'm getting impatient, even this darn computer is not working right...the patient workload is piling up....I need a break.


Anonymous said...

Aiyo, SC, you are scaring me, i think i have this putifriking whatever in my mouth... now i definite won't open my mouth in front of you!

Bernsy said...

SC, dont like that la, later sayang you baliks.. Muaks

SC said...

Something very wrong with blogger