Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Love does not delight in evil..

Photo from Austin Powers ler

It sure feels..well, nice when someone you don't like, who is evil, gets what's due to them! I know, I'm bad...muahahahaha. ( Must-try-not-to-be-so-BAD!)But heck, when evil people who do evil things to you get evil things happening to them..a bit susah not to feel like justice done, right? To err is human, after all.

On another note, it's amazing what people do to get attention. Like blogs for instance, to get traffic, we'll say anything, even flame others..heh, the world of blogging,eh? Blog wars..nice to read, if you're an outsider. Or write all sorts of shit about other people, behind their backs, with secret code names..wait a minute..sounds familiar.No love there I guess.

And even in the gym, like pretending to work out. Don't think striking a pose on machines counts! Love those signs in Uptown, Use it or Move it, very appropriate, Heh. Gyms, full of drama too.The stories ans accusations abound..who did what to whom, all attention grabbers.

Which reminds me, apparently I get more traffic when Ed's pics are up, as apposed to mine. Darn it! Ok, will post more pics of the dog, since you prefer him to pics of me..(sulk)..

Note I-Ben the terrible: you'll get yours today for calling me a Patpong girl! Muahahahaha!!!

If I'm being vague today, it's cos I am vague and my brain is dead.So, if you read this and it sounds like incoherrent ramblings, it is ler..

1 comment:

RPMnut said...

Janganlah merajuk. The dog was just ultra-irretwistable. :D