Friday, March 07, 2008

If only he were teaching in FF!

Ok, so there's this new BC guy right, and he once cleared in FF ( I think Shades cleared him lah), but in my opinion, he's pretty good for a newbie..though of course, Shades is our all time favourite, will never be replaceable, no one can ever hold a candle up to, can't push him off his pedestal BC instructor lah..but as the tittle goes..this guy is good.

Have added his link..check it out, it explains why he can't teach in FF ( or anywhere) for the moment..but when he's better..Shades please...bring him in.( though again, have to emphasise, you can't be replaced, you are the best, all time favourite, blah, blah,blah)


Adrian said...

Heya :),

Firstly, thanks for this entry. Really didn't expect it but it's really cool.

As for me, really can't wait to hit the gyms again but then again ... the doc gave strict orders to rest for the time being. But rest assured, when I'm fit enough, I'll be in FF ... ermmm ... provided Al gives the OK. :)

SC said...

No worries Shades...we'll be back to stalk you lar..