Friday, March 07, 2008


Pic from

Funny how everything around me seems so full of busy-ness and I'm so BORED! I guess with all the flags waving around, all the MP's ( who conspicuously remain invisible for 4 years) suddenly holding talks in markets, it does tend to get very hectic. Even the bank today was a mad seems everyone wants to rush their work..whats the hurry? Balik mengundi ka? Maybe..

Could explain why traffic was so good..can explain why my patients have disappeared..I mean, it's NOT J-card day, there isn't a traffic snarl outside, preventing patients from coming

But I'm still so bored..maybe it's because the papers aren't full of NEWS these days, in my opinion, it's full of erm.."marketing advertorials", heh. Maybe I'm bored because our local tv has been somewhat hijacked of our full regular programming. Is it me or are the shows sorta truncated to enable "extra" adverts these days? And there I thought since we're paying for it, Astro would be free of adverts. Maybe it's from all the talks in the markets, in a whole range of languages from MP's normally never present?

Or maybe I'm bored of all the blue and red and light blue and green flags that block my view of incoming traffic and especially of road signs and in some instances take the form of HUGE billboards..( must have cost a lot..I wonder where the money comes from?)

Or maybe..I'm just bored! Bored or not, tomorrow, I also will balik "kampung" and well..go visit a school and cross a piece of paper lah. Like it's something you haven't done at least once in the last 10 years? If you haven't, you're either way too young or.. just too lazy. If it's the latter, shame on you! I over heard a guy the other day, so gung ho..gonna fly home to vote! Serial numbered or not, it's our say. If you don't vote, I sure as hell don't wanna hear you complain, cos' you have NO RIGHT to, since you didn't want to vote in the first place! I'm all bored and fired up.

Maybe after all this I won't be so bored?

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