Monday, March 12, 2007

BC 31 Round 2

BH and I decided to skip the launch and first few classes of BC 31, expecting large crowds. It proved a good move, cos by the time we actually went for round 1, most people had already done it and didn't get in our "newbie" way. We were disorientated a bit lar, first time mah.

Anyway, yesterday we managed to drag ourselves over to LM. Haven't been there for a while myself and was surprised to see so many people. Mostly newbies save for one or two kungfu masters. More about those later. FCI came in launch gear, complete with karate outfit and shoes. Dunno what Sunshine was raving about, caught no sign of any "cleavage", but then, FCI did adjust his outfit the few times that it slipped. Must be conscious about it already lah. Perhaps he should wear a sports bra, ala Crystal?

Well, BC31 grows on you la. Intensity wise, one can curi tulang a lot, but if you really put in the effort, the sweat will be there lah. Music wise, I like bad name", since I'm a huge Bon Jovi fan, but otherwise, not as inspiring as the previous releases. The only challenge is the double roundhouse and the evasive side kick- jump kick combo. Otherwise, yet another passable release.

Back to the kungfu masters. Of late there have been a few in LM. People who think they are kungfu masters, i.e by adding their own choreo ( adding jump knee in warm up) and executing moves in what they think is "stylish" . Sad to say, they come of as American Idol auditionees...delusional. Almost can hear them shout "I'm the next BC Master trainer!". Oh well. To each, his own.

Also made many people think BH has massive lips and suction power...went for massage and "cupping" on Saturday, with the bruises very visible on Sunday. My back currently looks like piece of polka dot more like crop circles of red-blue. Though covered nicely in my office wear, a bit of the bruises peek out from under the collar. My nurse must think I was into some randy action with BH last night. Hopefully they go off soon.

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