Friday, October 26, 2007

The truth about not blogging

Of late, we have all been bitten by the Facebook bug..and yes, I'm an addict. Why is why, the post about Melbourne is not gonna end up reading fodder for you folks out there...hehehehe. eh, have you seen recent updates on my links either? EVERYONE ( except maybe Eric) has been smitten by Facebook..

The other reason ( it's not an excuse, seriously!) is I really have been busy...the time away from Scrabulous has to be filled in with ACTUAL WORK. What pays for my bills, right? Oh, and with Deepavali just round the corner, a move in residence also coming's been busy.

Not to busy to play Scrabulous, if you wanna...lets lay with words, eh?

1 comment:

TTB said...

Now days we all need serious multi-tasking skills, what with Facebook as an addition to our lives, like having a new born baby. That's why blog entries slowing down, leave alone leaving comments in others blog.